CentralTrak presents Teen Dream by Brainfood’s Ean and Erik Schuessler

January 21, 2016By erikActivities, Blog

Teen Dream As part of CentralTrak’s current exhibition, The Zine Society Library, Dallas-based brothers and business partners Ean Schuessler and Erik Schuessler will speak about how making zines as teenagers evolved into a legitimate and respected profession. Zine-making and zine-consumption was a significant format for artists and activists to share info, find and identify subcultures … Read More

Mega table almost done

December 5, 2012By erikActivities, Blog, My Place 1,633 Comments

Living in the outer rings of the cliff is really peaceful and quiet. A bit unusual but I am getting acquainted with it. The place I live in is damn fine and I am still scratching my head about people paying the big bucks in fancy “old oak cliff” ain’t it funny? Seems like only … Read More

Bizarre dreams make room for crisp awake state.

November 14, 2012By erikBlog 1,688 Comments

All last night I was having dreams. Before I could get the chance to totally relax and dip into the quiet abyss of complete and total subconscious rest, I was resuscitated back into a completely torturous visual fest. My mind was exhausted this morning as I struggled to rustle myself out of bed. I do have a penchant for … Read More

One day closer to big fun.

October 23, 2012By erikActivities, Blog, Design Stuff 1,670 Comments

There is a certain excitement when it comes to creating something, especially when it is something for your own company. There is a certain level of ownership that is sometimes lost when you are working for a customer. I am not saying that the work you do for customers is somehow less important or not as … Read More

Testing. Testing.

October 22, 2012By erikBlog

I am getting some blog stuff set up on my site www.erikschuessler.com. Making it a little easier to put thoughts out.

Percival must have went through a ton of shoes.

October 22, 2012By erikBlog

My skill set is constantly growing. I seem to run into it whether I want to or not. The idea of many additional hats stacking up on my head is not a concept I particularly enjoy, however it seems to cultivate a certain level of perception or foresight that could be lost on someone working … Read More

Big Fun Logo

October 18, 2012By erikartwork, Blog, Design Stuff

It is a logo I am putting together for this mobile app we are building internally here at the brainfood.com. Stay tuned on updates as I get them. It is a pretty awesome app and I hope it goes off well. It is our first 100% client free one! I kinda wanted to have people … Read More

What is scary?! Did a guest talk at Pecha Kucha.

October 18, 2012By erikActivities, Blog

The early afternoon scramble trying to cobble together ideas and thoughts ensuring a good lecture was one of the most white knuckle moments of the evening. My brother Ean Schuessler and I worked diligently trying to figure how to make this scramble of information somehow make sense to us and hopefully later that evening to our … Read More

Life the universe and curry.

October 16, 2012By erikBlog, My Place 8,703 Comments

this Tuesday, typical of a Texas winter is a balmy 68° outside. The moisture clings onto every part of you and is pretty inescapable. I decided to take a stroll up to Nandina a local restaurant on Greenville Avenue, it is really pretty good however recently the crowds seem to thin out during normal hours … Read More

Remembering Joplin.

November 14, 2011By erikBlog 5,834 Comments

It was really weird for me when Joplin was hit by a giant tornado. I had no idea that it was going on because Meredith and I went out for drinks at a place down in Lakewood, a neighborhood in Dallas. It was a Karaoke night everyone was having a good time and just chit … Read More

Late night Firestone.

November 9, 2011By erikartwork, Blog 8,901 Comments

Just a set of cool pics I took with the Canon. I used a vintage Nikkor that I picked up on ebay. Just a beautiful temporary transformation of an old building on Greenville avenue down where it splits off to Ross. The road was absolutely dead as well. So it was peacefully quiet. [nggallery id=1]

No dentures for old men.

November 9, 2011By erikBlog 9,847 Comments

It is odd when you are working on a house that was left to simmer in it’s own juices for a while. It tends to be neither here or there as far as not lived in but still coated in the physical and psychic residue of it’s former residents. The house is by no means creepy or … Read More

Starting to work.

September 21, 2011By erikBlog 1,118 Comments

As if a long day working at the office wouldn’t be enough, I decided to crunch a little more on the site.  I am close and I should get over waiting until it is 100% perfect and has all of the bells and whistles. I am not sure where to begin but this is at least … Read More